Remote Seti Project Homepage

(this page is in an early stage of development  ;-) )

The purpose of this project is to make easier the tracking and maintenance of several computers running Seti's clients distributed across a network.

A Remote Seti client is installed and launched for each Seti client.It will send the current status to a central monitoring host where the Remote Seti Server will be running.

The server will create a directory for each client sending data.Then a monitoring program can be used to keep track of all the hosts in your network running Seti.

I currently use Ksetiwatch by Gordon Machel .(It allows monitoring other hosts than yours, but, as far as i know, it requires you to mount the clients directory in your machine.)

The program compiles under Linux & Windows, it's supposed to compile on Solaris also.

Download the stuff

For any comment/s or suggestion/s, feel free to mail me.

Last updated .... loooong ago.

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